As many of you know, I've been having some problems with my mental health recently. I have sought help, and the medication that I am on is working already. While it hasn't completley rid me of the flashbacks, it has reduced their number and intensity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank ehis wonderful community for giving me the help, support, and mojo I needed to get me through this ordeal. You people have built such a great community here on DU, that I feel that had it not been for this communitiy's support and love, that there would one less Democrat out there to fight to re-defeat minibrain. You people helped me though a very serious and traumatic time, and while things haven't returned to normal yet, (and it will most likley be quite awhile before they do) You've helped me through the worst of it, and things can only get better from here on in.
Thanks, Skinner, Elad, and EarlG for setting up this great community!
Now, with that said, let's go send the boy king back to his Crawford play ranch where he belongs! <deanscream>YEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!</deanscream>