I'm a trucker and I do all of my trucking in Ohio. It gets cold and snows in the winter in Ohio, but this winter has been particularly brutal. We've had 4 ice storms in the past month. Let me tell you, if you ever want to know what real stress is, try driving a lightly loaded 18 wheeler for a little while on ice. You'll be grey and 40 pounds lighter by the time you get to your destination.
My truck broke down last night. That's bad enough. But it was 19 below zero last night. That's not an exaggeration. I don't remember it ever getting that cold around here. That's more like North Dakota weather. The state patrol was out in force last night helping stranded motorists stay warm. I spent a little time with one of the patrolmen. I think that was the first time I sat in a cop car when I wasn't in trouble :) He was a nice guy, too. I ought to call his post and put in a good word for him.
So, yeah, I'm basically done. This has been the worst winter ever for me in my twelve years of trucking and it's just getting started. I found myself thinking the other day while trying to keep my vehicle on the road through 37 miles of ice that if I make it back I'm looking for another job. If I make it back. Jesus! That's the kind of thing you think when you are about to die. Fuck this shit.
I need to get into another line of work. I also have to unload my trailer outside every night. I see all these people dressed up and looking nice and heading into work in the morning. They only have to drive a few miles to get there and they work in comfort. I might make more than a lot of them, but I will gladly take a pay cut to get out of this. I'm just not that crazy anymore.
Help me out with some recommendations for a new job. I have the means to take a little time off work to maybe pursue a certificate program at the local community college, so I can at least learn a new trade.