What the heck happened to Keane?
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Sat Jan-17-09 01:03 PM
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What the heck happened to Keane? |
I couldn't stand their first two albums, but I really like "Perfect Symmetry." I guess their lead guy going off the booze helped.
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Sat Jan-17-09 01:04 PM
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I liked their first two albums, but can't stand "Perfect Symmetry". I guess their lead guy going off the booze hurt.
Arugula Latte
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Sat Jan-17-09 01:05 PM
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2. The only thing is, I couldn't listen to them because the lead singer GASPED for breath on songs. |
It was so distracting, all I could hear was the gasping.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:33 PM
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