Bush & Cheney: Keeping America Terrorist-Free Since Sept. 12, 2001.
Bush 04: Let's have a Greater Depression!
Bush/Cheney: We Will Never Forget the Lessons of 9/11. Meanwhile, Keep Shopping.
Bush in 2004: For Everyone Who Ever Wanted to One-Up Their Father
Bush - Strong enough for a man but made for a woman... No WAIT!!!
Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Four Y...Uh, I Mean, Than You Were Two...Um, Make That Six Mon...Well, Look, You're Doing OK, Right?
Bush/Cheney '04: Or the gays, teachers, and terrorists win!
Just Like Reagan - Only Dumber and Meaner
Bush 2004: Deeply disturbed by what gays are doing, ignorant of what he is doing.
"George W. Bush: Not his father's wimp."
Bush/Cheney '04 - Not Completely a Fiasco!
America: because freedom is for Canadians.
Rainy Days Mean God is Crying for a Gay Marriage Banning Amendment
A Car in Every Garage, A Chicken in Every Pot; A Manufacturing Job in Every MacDonald's
BUSH: A Man, a plan, a codpiece
America: Alabama Writ Large.
The Bush administration: Come for the pasty, rich white guys, stay for the second term queer bashing!
No Bush-No War Know Bush-Know War
Liberty, equality, justice -- yeah, we've heard of those."
"About our achievements ... Look! Queers!"
Bush/Cheney: Because the truth just isn't as much fun.
"Bush/Cheney, Keeping Us Safe: Terrorists will not attack us and kill 2800 innocent people on our soil and destroy the WTC and smash the Pentagon more than once on OUR watch!"