If the lies we told got any more honest we would not be believed, thus when I say I was staring at you, tall, mop-haired and looking through the dismembered Times because you look like an acquaintance I haven’t seen in a while, it is important that you be a foot shorter and without the great girth of head that led him to front a band called APE and get arrested anonymously in the capital, living only on orange juice for five days. For some it is no struggle to see the familiar in the strange—maybe it comes of imagining the refrigerator as a rocket if we could only fit! but no— there are too many supplies. Now you are gone. What would the sky feel like, anyway, if we could just ride a refrigerator toward where we saw a lamp fall from high in the west? Can a toaster grow back the bagger’s missing hand and so double his bag-packing productivity or sprout from her scored knees new legs on the woman at the bus stop? She’s sitting alone at the bus stop! With no helpful appliances! and I’m applying my foot to the gas pedal as if late for a wedding. Then you changed into a smallish red-haired girl wearing a football jersey and a fedora sitting down at my table as if I hadn’t heard many times already about 13 year olds diving into a pool of substance abuse after compelled fellatio for the creepy next-door neighbor—it is a familiar awfulness, but there is no strange registry annotating devices suitable for rendering savaged tugboats into sagacious dolphins—perhaps if I concentrated long enough, if I looked into each with supreme focus, I would turn into a washing machine, air conditioning, a waffle iron, the as-yet uninvented finally applied, of some use when you wish to ascend.
Marc McKee