I'd do it in the TV group, but nobody really ever goes there.
So on last night's opening episode of Hell's Kitchen, there's a segment where Ramsey it trying to graphically display his disgust with one of the "chef's" cooking skills and is spitting his food out (he does this quite a bit, it's rather disgusting actually). But here's the thing - he wipes his mouth with that awful dirty horrific slop cloth that he wears tucked into apron belt.
So my question is: is that the same cloth that he uses to wipe off plates, y'know, like the dripped sauces around the edges, before he send them off for service??
If so... well, GROSS!
I bet that's sort of common behavior in kitchens - I always wonder about those cloths they use for wiping plates before sending them, they always look like really icky things.
Fess up you restaurant kitchen workers - is this SOP?