Cleveland had adopted Bruce and had been playing him for about two years...
My mom came home from school, she taught high school home ec, and asked me if I liked this Jewish Rock Star. I said who, what are you talking about mon...
She replied, Springstien, Bruce Springtien...
I said Springsteen mom, Springsteen.
She continued. One of the girls in my seventh period class has two extra tickets to this Springstein. Only problem is they aren't together. So you still want them?
Hell yea.
The girl gave them to me. One seat was in the fourth row and the other was in the 7th row. My friend Remo drove us down. this was before he release the Born to Run Album.
Every Friday night the local prog rock station would start the weekend at 6:00 on Friday night with a Born to Run, then a local rant against the man from an old dude who would just scream about being freed from the shackles of 9-5... then they played a version of Friday on my Mind by Earthquake...
So anyway, Remo and I went on down and we saw Bruce up close and personal in this theater down town. It was the best show I had seen up to then.
I've seen Springsteen three other times.
The second time was with my sister. I was in the shaky part of sobriety, about 3 months in. This guy I met at work knew a guy and he told me to go on down to the Coliseum and pick up a couple of tickets at the box office. My sister drove me down, I was still under suspension at the time. I hardly knew this guy and I think he felt sorry for me. So we went on down thinking that we would just hang around if the tickets weren't there.
Well, there were two tickets at the window, just like he told us. Seventh row on the floor. Didn't have to pay for those either. this was for the Born in the USA tour.
Bruce has been a big part of the music of my life.
And now, for Kerry and Obama, he is the man...