I've been around a long time, opting not to post much for quite a while in the beginning.
But now, as I finally hit my 1,000th post, I wanted to send a sincere "thank you" to DU for helping me get through the Bush years.
See, I'm from Texas and before Bush was elected governor down here, I already knew he was an idiot. I couldn't believe that anyone would vote for him for governor.
Then when he ran for president, I couldn't believe that anyone would vote for him, much less the millions who did. (And I'm not going into my usual "he stole the election stuff" here, but a bunch of people did vote for him).
I work for a company that is all Republican, except me, and there were days during the Bush terms when the Repuke spiel was being touted so much around the office that I thought I would scream - and I needed some relief. DU provided that relief.
I could come to DU and feel like I wasn't alone - feel like others had it figured out the way that I felt I had Bush figured out. There have been posts that I agreed wholeheartedly with, and there have been posts that I disagreed vehemently with...but I've never failed to come here and not learn something, or at least have my mind opened up enough by someone's post to consider an alternative point of view. DU is, plain and simple, good dialog.
So thanks to you all for giving me a place to come and hang out, a place to rant, and a place to learn a whole lot about what others are thinking and feeling and what is important to them.
I'm not sure how Obama is going to do as our President, but I know that I'm damn thankful that it's him at the helm and not John McCain. And I'll continue to hang around DU to get the real skinny on what's going on in the world.
Wishing you all well...