I sent him once of the latest articles from Bernard Weiner. I sent him "The America I Live In: Notes for the Campaign" which is a fine read if you haven't already. Link:
http://www.crisispapers.org/essays/campaign-notes.htm Here was his exact response to me...Then <"SHUT THE FUCK UP" - Dennis Leary> Cast your ballot and / or pick another country to live in, how about Bosnia? Croatia? the former U.S.S.R? Cuba?, Iraq? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Syria? Turkey? Lebanon? You never know how good you've got it until you get it taken away.And my response to him:And that would be fine if we already lived in countries that didn't have a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and the freedom and right to vote.
However, we do live in a place where all the things he wrote about could never have happened, much less could have been imagined to happen a few short years ago.
In three years we've gone to a prosperous and peaceful country to an international bully with a debt that could choke an elephant.
There is going to be a Draft if he it re-elected. How old is your son? Are you willing to sacrifice YOUR son for a rich bully's war? Are you willing to send YOUR son off to a desert to die in a place that neither wants him or needs him there? Are you willing to have YOUR son come home in a flag draped box after fighting for the rights of Haliburton and Betchel to rape other countries treasuries? I'm not.
When presented with this type of information you and those like you ALWAYS throw out the " Croatia? the former U.S.S.R? Cuba?, Iraq? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Syria? Turkey? Lebanon?" list. The people there NEVER had the system we once did. However we were once a shining example of how it could be done for countries that were on the path to better things and the allies of countries that were getting it right. Now the ones that never had a chance are even father away. The ones that might have been don't trust us anymore. Our allies don't trust us either.
I am going to vote, for all the good it will do in this state. And if he gets back in to office I AM leaving. I will start finding another country to live in as soon as I can manage to jump ship. If you take what they have managed to do in three years and then double it, this will no longer be the place we grew up in. If they get four more years, all those places you listed will be indistinguishable from our country when it all boils down. So I am saying no to corporatism. I am saying no to bigotry and institutionalized hatred. I am saying no to bankrupting the government while the rich get richer. I am saying no to stripping the safety nets from those in society that need them the most: the elderly and the young. I am saying no to shipping jobs overseas and creating a slave wage class of Wal-Mart drones. I am saying no to perpetual war on an enemy that cannot be beaten because a new enemy is made every time we overstep our bounds. And finally, I am saying no to those who want to turn the greatest democracy that ever graced the face of the planet in to a theocratic war machine empire.
I won't "Shut the Fuck UP" there Dr Leary. I won't be cowed in to silence and merely accept this fate. I won't stop sharing information with people who might not be getting the whole truth because they only get their news from FOX. I won't gladly be lead to the slaughter. I won't give up my son for a rich man's New World Order.
But thanks for the clinical advice.