It made the transition late last year from Netscape to Firefox much easier. ( I was one of the last people to quit using Netscape. )
Also, Splash is good for those of us who miss having the Netscape Splash screen. With Foxscape, it makes you feel like Netscape never turned crappy or got bought by AOHell.
No Squint is good for people like me who can't see 2 feet in front of them without a super charged magnifying glass. You can magnify text just slightly too if you don't need a large magnification. So, it's all 'round good.
Download Helper helps you download videos on YouTube, Myspace, and other sites with videos up...to watch over and over again. An FLV player is required to watch them again later.
Answers is a good one to add when you want to search for answers to questions you may have. You can even find out why the sky is blue. Of course, you can find that here on DU from the Gay Oracle too. :P
The MOST NECESSARY Add-On of all, though, is: AdBlock Plus.
The one I have enjoyed a lot most recently is: Fast Dial
You can organize a group of bookmarks with picture icons that update as the sites update. I can look at an updates icon of DU before I even load DU.
I also have Grocery List Generator. It's kind of fun when you have ink in your printer, which I never seem to have 2 days after buying ink. I can't help there are so many pictures of Deborah Harry on the internet. I just memorize my grocery list now, but the program is still good for those not so gaga over Deborah Harry pictures.
Pong is good too, for obvious reasons.
Forecastfox is good for those of us addicted to or obsessed with weather reports.