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I'm tired. I'm cranky. I have a huge headache. I just wasted an hour and a half of my life tracking down the 'representatives' who voted for this piece of garbage and writing them. My letter may not make much sense. I've been up about 18 hours and should be sleeping but couldn't let this pass. This is my letter:
To whom it may concern,
I do not expect my letter to change your minds. I do hope, however, that it will make you think.
You can call AJR 66 whatever you want. You can refer to it as a Defense of Marriage amendment if you'd like. What it really is, despite your posturing, is a bit of hate speech.
If you really want to defend marriage then why not pass an amendment outlawing divorce and adultry? Those are far more problematic to marriage than allowing two men or two women to be joined together.
I don't know what your individual reasons for sponsoring or voting for this amendment is. Truthfully, I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that you are trying to deny a segment of the population of Wisconsin - those people whom you are bound to represent - of equal rights under the law. I see you trying to forbid them from being joined in a union but offering no alternative. You simply want to say NO. I don't hear a "let's see if we can craft something to help everyone".
You say that you are doing this for the people of Wisconsin so that they have a voice in the decision. We all know that is not so. For as long as you are 'representing' the people of this state you will never be satisfied until things are done the way you think they should be. If this fails you will simply try again.
For those of you who are citing religious reasons please remember that your duty is to the people of this state. Your religious reasons (or those of the people who are trying to deny the rights to gays and lesbians) have no place in government.
I truly feel sorry for any friend or family member you may have that one day comes to you and says they are gay or know someone who is and you have to explain to them why they are only second class citizens in the 'land of the free'.