I've met a lot of other people who are mentoring through the program. There's a monthly gathering we can attend. Every single person I've met has been friendly, intelligent, and caring. The usual topic of conversation is our "littles."
When you sign up as a volunteer, they do a complete criminal background check (which you pay for), and extensive interviews that get really personal. I can't see how any people with ugly problems could get past those checks.
They interview the kids and their parent(s) pretty thoroughly, too. The idea is to match up pairings where there are common interests, and life experiences for the mentor that will mesh well.
The idea, and it's stressed very hard, is that the mentors are not there to solve kids' problems, but to be friends and examples. By doing that, there's a building of a relationship that makes it possible, eventually, to get into discussions where some values get exchanged. It's really interesting to see how those relationships develop.
For example, after a few months of getting together, I took our "little" out for a day of fishing on my boat. He was 14 at the time. He seemed a little uncomfortable when we got to the lake, so I asked him, gently, if he was a little afraid of being on the water in the boat. He admitted that he was...something that's hard for 14 year old boys to do. So, we worked out a plan that would keep the boat in shallow enough water that he could stand up in. After about an hour, the fear was gone, and we headed out into deeper water. We caught lots of fish, which was also a first-time experience for him. Now, in the depth of winter, he's all excited about going fishing in the Spring. There's even a real-life fishing tournament in the Summer, just for BBBS clients. Nice prizes, etc. We'll be there.
On the other side, my wife has baked brownies with him, made lunch with him, and now he's talking about maybe being a cook when he grows up. His own mom just doesn't have time to do that stuff...she's working all the time.
I'll bet your son will benefit from this. I can't imagine how he could not.