Permit me some self-indulgence...
I turned 22 a couple of months ago, and just prior to that I finally move into a place I could finally have people over in (read: not a dorm). Well, I lived in a different apartment last year, but the kitchen in that place was so small a project like this would not have been possible.
Anyway, I had three people from my department over, and I think I really hit it out of the park. I've only been cooking for a little over a year, since my mom finally forced me to learn to fend for myself in the kitchen since I wouldn't have the luxury of eating at the school cafeteria anymore (the downside of graduating from school). Anyway, I looked up a recipe for fish chowder on the internet and bought all the ingredients, then cooked it up in my crock pot all day. Then tonight I made some Italian fried chicken with noodles, served some French bread I bought and a bottle of wine, as well as crackers and cheese while my guests waited for the chicken to finish. Then we had some blueberry cake I scored for crazy cheap and drank tea from the teapot I bought a couple weeks ago because I thought it would be a cool thing to have. Let me say: this chicken was tops. I've never made that stuff better.
I'm so proud of myself!