Wild Turkeys
We have been enjoying a flock of 14 wild turkeys who chose the oak/hickory woodland behind our house for their winter roosting spot this year. They spend quite a bit of time in our yard, as well as neighbors.
My wife and I went back in the woods this evening to watch them fly up into the trees for the night. They have a regular pattern keyed to sunrise/sunset. They were scratching around our bird feeders near the house; ambled on up to the woods right on schedule. We waited until they stopped meandering and looked to be getting ready to launch, and went up there, using my tool shed and some brush as a sort of 'blind'. We stood there, bundled up against the cold watching their evening ritual. It was the coolest experience watching them, some 40 feet away, milling around, sorting out who would go first, then one emissary goes up and the others wait a bit, seemingly to make sure the coast is clear. Then after 4-5 minutes the rest go, one at a time, 30-40 seconds apart, getting a bit of a running start and launching, flying up through the branches to roost. So quiet, peaceful. We could hear the wings flapping as each launched.
Best Valentines Day Ever.