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Gin and Raisins and Listerine with vinegar.

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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 10:51 PM
Original message
Gin and Raisins and Listerine with vinegar.
these are folk remedies fellow DU'ers.

Take golden raisins, cover them with gin and let the gin soak into the raisins. Then eat 9 of these raisins a day. You will experience improvement in stiff and aching joints. It appears to be working for me.

The vinegar and listerine is weirder. If you have a toenail fungus, combine equal parts of brown (original formula) Listerine and apple cider vinegar, soak your feet in it, and the fungus will be killed off. You can also mix this up in a container that you can seal, and just swab the nail with the stuff but it has been fun figuring out ways to soak my foot without using a lot of LIsterine very quickly. Vinegar is cheap don't care how much of it I use.
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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 10:54 PM
Response to Original message
1. I used vicks vapo-rub for my tonail fungus
worked like a charm!

I did an Internet search when I got the fungus to see what the remedies are, and it seems that the options were either:

1. A very expensive prescription medication that destroys the liver
2. Vicks vapo-rub
3. The vinegar soak

The vapo-rub seemed the easiest.
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Shell Beau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I have heard that if you put Vick's vapo-rub on your feet and
then put on socks before you go to bed, you will sleep like a baby! :shrug:
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:43 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. it will stop coughing, I also had heard that one and my daughter tried it. She
said it did help.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:51 AM
Response to Reply #1
11. Vapo Rub was also discussed as an option. I decided to do the soak because
one of the callers on the radio show said it also makes the skin on her feet wonderfully soft, so it is a two-fer.

LOL don't use blue Listerine though, apparantly it dyes the feet.
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leftyclimber Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 11:09 PM
Response to Original message
3. The Foxfire Book is the best source for these.
Edited on Sat Feb-14-09 11:09 PM by leftyclimber
Who knew you could drink that much kerosene and live? :shrug:
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Optical.Catalyst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 08:30 AM
Response to Original message
4. I hate Jerry Baker with a passion
Bought one book from him as a gift. Had it drop shipped to the intended recipient.

Now, five years later, I still get spammed in my email from his web site, junk mail in my mail box, and regular admonishment from the the person I gave the book to for all the spam they get.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:49 AM
Response to Reply #4
9. ?? Jerry Baker, the garden guy? I learned about these things from 'People's Pharmacy'
on the radio, then went to that website and read many testimonials about these two things.

Or are you talking about a different Jerry Baker?
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Optical.Catalyst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #9
13. If you listen to Jerry Baker on the radio, you know he hawks all kinds of books and products
One book, I think it is 'Grand Ma's Home Remedies', has that exact same recipe in it. I would not put it past that rip-off Jerry Baker to have plagiarized it.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 11:04 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. hard to say. FoxFire may have been the source. 'Peoples Pharmacy' is one of
my favorite NPR shows though. The couple that host it are both degreed scientists and do research the stuff, and a lot of things come from the listeners as well.

I used to get a lot of Jerry Baker mail because I order from the plant places periodically
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RadiationTherapy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 08:57 AM
Response to Original message
5. In my organic chemistry class, our professor showed us
that raisins soaked in gin makes aspirin.

Listerine type mouthwash is good for scalp issues too.
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old mark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 09:53 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. You can also derive aspirin from the inner bark of weeping willow trees.
I understand native americans used this method (didn't have gin, I guess.)

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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. that makes sense, it may be a different type of anti inflammatory. I am taking
much less ibuprofen and my hands work better. Less ringing in the ears too.
Also, a box of raisins makes enough to last about a year.

My mom used to rinse our hair with vinegar and water, because our water was so hard that the shampoo did not rinse out well. We had very shiny hair. Even now, if I get itchy scalp, I do a vinegar rinse.

She also washed our hair in liquid Joy, not shampoo, due to the hard water. All the other mommies wanted to know why our hair was so shiny. LOL
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 11:33 AM
Response to Reply #8
16. I will try some of these since I have hard water
and I'm using way too much conditioner in my hair just to make up for it.

My water is so hard it makes mineral deposits if you leave it in any metal container for too long.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 02:02 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. yep sounds like our old well in KY. We got shale when we turned the hot water
Edited on Sun Feb-15-09 02:05 PM by yellowdogintexas
on full blast in the tub, and red water after a hard rain. I think we were tapped in to a fairly large cave stream myself. Lots of limestone, cold ! water and very tasty water, too. When we had to turn the pump off and I was down in the well house helping my dad do whatever he had to do with the pump off, you could hear that water roaring.

But if you brewed your tea too long, you would get a skim on top of the water.

A word of caution on the hair: it will make your hair have static electricity if your hair is long. We used to use a detangler, there was also a very light weight conditioner (White Rain?) that we used just on the ends. YOu don't need much of the detergent to wash your hair either.
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:50 AM
Response to Original message
10. The People's Pharmacy and Nightly Leg Cramps
These home remedies can be found at">The People's Pharmacy

Leg Cramps?

Put a bar of soap underneath your sheets near your legs.
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yellowdogintexas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:52 AM
Response to Reply #10
12. that one cracked me up. Supposed to help with twitching feet too. And don't
forget the mustard. Just slurp down a couple packets of French's mustard and you, too can finish the Marathon.

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TX Screwball Donating Member (246 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 11:28 AM
Response to Original message
15. This is bizarre.
I just heard about the golden raisin and gin thing yesterday. Even the 9 raisins a day part.

I'm gonna try it because my right hand has been bugging me for a while now and I want to cut back on the Advil.

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emilyg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-17-09 02:44 AM
Response to Reply #15
20. It works. Knocked me on my
rear 'cuz I'm not used to any alcohol.
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marzipanni Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-17-09 02:25 AM
Response to Original message
18. I'm a People's Pharmacy website fan, too!
My brother had a plantar wart on the bottom of his foot. I told him about the People's Pharmacy remedy which entails application of duct tape to the wart for one to three weeks to suffocate it. He tried it and it worked.
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XemaSab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-17-09 02:29 AM
Response to Original message
19. Sounds like an anti-fungal
The vet told us to mix up vinegar and rubbing alcohol for the spaniel's ear infection.

It worked like a charm, and it hasn't come back.
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-17-09 02:49 AM
Response to Original message
21. suppose I ate, say, 250 of said raisins
what would that cure?
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