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Elizabeth R on Netflix "Watch Now"

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blogslut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 04:26 AM
Original message
Elizabeth R on Netflix "Watch Now"
Wow! I remember watching this when I was child. I remember being impressed. I recently noticed that Netflix had both this and The Six Wives of Henry VIII on their list of instant view content.

I watched the first three episodes of The Six Wives of Henry VIII but got turned off because frankly, Keith Michell is/was a lot more ham-handed and actor than I recall.

So, I went for the Glenda Jackson/Elizabeth and let me tell you, DAMN! This is some good stuff! What an incredible, amazing woman.

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blogslut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 09:10 AM
Response to Original message
1. What? No love for Glenda Jackson's portrayal
...of good Queen Bess?
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NV Whino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 11:23 AM
Response to Original message
2. I agree with you
Glenda Jackson was arguably the best Elizabeth ever. I found this on DVD a while back and bought the set. I was never thrilled with Keith Michell so didn't buy that set.

The interview with Jackson at the end is worth watching, too. Don't know if Netflix would have that.
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blogslut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 12:15 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Sadly, you are correct
One of the pitfalls of the Netflix VOD is that there are no DVD extras. I would love to see Ms. Jackson's interview and may just have to physically rent the DVDs in order to see it.

Did you know that Glenda Jackson has been a member of British government since 1992?
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NV Whino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 12:27 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. At the time of the interview
she was retired from government. If she's gone back, I was unaware. Rent the DVDs. Her diatribe against Thatcher is not to be missed. That's why she went into government in the first place.
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blogslut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. She went back
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NV Whino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 01:42 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Good for her
I always hoped she would defect and run for Pres... after we repealed the non natural birth law, of course.
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Oeditpus Rex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 01:24 PM
Response to Original message
6. I've seen the Monty Python version
"Erizabeth L."

I bling a dispatch flom Prymouth.

Flom Prymouth?

Flom Sil Flancis Dlake.

Entel and apploach the thlone.

What news flom Prymouth?

Dlake has sighted the Spanish Freet, Youl Majesty.

So! Phirip's garreons ale hele. How many?

One hundled and thilty-six men of wal.

Broody herr!

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NV Whino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 01:43 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I've never seen that
I'll have to hunt it down.
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Oeditpus Rex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 01:53 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Episode 29
Second bit, right after "The Money Programme" and the theme song.

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money
There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash
Some people say it's folly
But I'd rather have the lolly
With money you can make a splash

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money
(Money, money, money, money)
There is nothing like a newly minted pound
(Money, money, money, money)
Everyone must hanker
For the butchness of a banker
It's accountancy that makes the world go 'round
('Round, 'round, 'round, 'round)

You can keep your Marxist ways
For it's only just a phase
For it's money, money, money makes the world go 'round
(Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, moneeeeey!)

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