It was the only one left, and given it's easier to draw around figures in Photoshop than to use the mouse in unwieldy positions, I opted to bite the bullet and purchase it. As there's no real competition, I don't think prices will improve for some time. :(
I thought about getting two Velociraptors to make a RAID 5 array (bandwidth and data integrity) but Fedora 10 was said not to recognize my mobo's controller, so I'll stick to having numerous archived copies. :(
Oddly enough they're keeping the low end Bamboo product line (also made by the same company as the Intuos3).
The 4x6" model was also clearance ($159 if I recall), but 6x11" is actually
usable... usable is good. :D
The 12x19" model I've seen (not at BB, of course) runs for only $750. :hurts: took a big loss, that's all I know...