Post your animal stories here: My sister and her new baby & family
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Sun Feb-15-09 04:05 PM
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Post your animal stories here: My sister and her new baby & family |
were at the zoo looking at the gorillas. There was a mommy gorilla there with her baby too. My sister was enjoying the moment. All of a sudden the lecturer was interrupted by a very angry silverback male.. who was upset at the audience. He was displaying anger all over the place. The lecturer..worried about the baby gorilla's safety told the audience to slowly move away and move on.
All of a sudden she saw my brother in law and said you! Take off your hat. (he is 6'5"). He took off his black hat. "Take off your black fleece jacket" she said. He did. And the silverback male stopped displaying rage and huffed as if to say "is that all it was..a human in a black fleece"
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