Not to post about Presidential politics in the lounge....
Lost in CT
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:00 PM
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Not to post about Presidential politics in the lounge.... |
But were not we promised a first dog by now????
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:01 PM
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You think it was just another shallow campaign promise? :shrug:
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:04 PM
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2. Thought they decided to wait until summer vacation... |
so the girls could devote their full attention to it?
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:19 PM
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Obama promised his kids a dog and I'm sure the family is figuring out when the best time to get one is.
The kids also promised to take care of it....and I'm sure they want to wait until it warms up, too.
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:20 PM
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4. You could stir up some shit in GD-P with that. You would probably have 150 replies |
in the first hour alone with that?
"WTF! Obama is failing again. Can't even select a dog" OMG Elevens!"
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Thu Feb-19-09 07:21 PM
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5. Perhaps it's being bred right now? |
Who are we to question when dogs have sex?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 PM
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