I was thinking about the TV show Heroes and why certain powers manifested in certain heroes.
Claire as an infant was caught in a fire yet she survived. Her power of regeneration came from the fact that she wanted to live.
Peter wanted to be accepted so his power allows him to leach others powers.
Daphne was handicapped and all she wanted to do was walk so her power came to her as super speed.
Matt wanted to be a good cop and solve crimes so his power came to him as mind reading (And lord knows what else now).
Nathan wanted to rise to the top..He can fly
And so on..
So it got me to thinking.
In our mundane lives we all have certain things that we want.
So what would my power be?
Mine I think would either be teleportation or mind control.
To either put myself miles away from things that annoy me.
Or to persuade others to see things my way.
What would yours be?