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Run two miles-eat a dozen donuts-run back two miles *YUM!*..oh yeah DON'T PUKE

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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 05:11 PM
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Run two miles-eat a dozen donuts-run back two miles *YUM!*..oh yeah DON'T PUKE
Edited on Fri Feb-20-09 05:28 PM by underpants
Krispy Kreme run is sweet charity
A few years ago, N.C. State University student Chris McCoy issued this challenge to friends: Run two miles from N.C. State's Belltower to the Krispy Kreme store on Person Street. Eat a dozen doughnuts. Run back to the Belltower. All in less than an hour. And without puking.

McCoy overslept the first year. But a dozen tried it anyway in December 2004.

The next year, a group of those original runners made the event a little more formal, setting up a Web site and raising money for charity. About 150 ran last January, raising $800 for the N.C. Children's Hospital.

This year, organizers revamped the Web site and worked harder to get the word out.

More than 1,300 runners took the challenge Saturday morning, including McCoy for the first time. Streets were closed, and police directed traffic.

About $10,000 will be donated to the N.C. Children's Hospital.

The first runner, Auburn Staples, took only about 8 minutes to run the first two miles. He dunked his doughnuts in water and stuffed them in his mouth, his cheeks pudgy with sugary dough.

Next to him, runners Paul Potorti and Mike Aldrink surveyed their meal.

"Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into," Potorti said, opening his box. "All right, I'm done," he said as he started to eat.

"No, man," Aldrink shouted. "Don't give up."

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