My mom just bought a new dryer after her old one broke to the point where repairing it would cost more than buying a new one. The new dryer was delivered today. The new dryer is bigger than the old one, and had to be set about ten inches away from the wall because it is right in front of where the silver accordian tube thingie (exhaust?) in the back meets the wall. Anyway, the laundry room is pretty small so I looked the the washer and figured that if I could move it about eight inches to the left, where it would snug up against the -- hells, what do you call those things, utility sinks? -- that thing, then I could shift the dryer to the left too, and also closer to the wall.
The problem came when I was trying to move the washer. Now I have moved my own washer and dryer on several occasions, like when I was painting the basement floor or cleaning behind them, and never had a problem; just made sure that the hoses were all attached they way they should be and she ran like a champ.
But when I went to move mom's washer, I found it had a shallow metal pan underneath it. No problem, I thought, I'll just move the pan too. So I had the washer tipped off the pan and was trying to kick the pan to where I needed it, but it seemed like it was stuck on something. So I got down close to it and discovered that there was a hole in the center of the pan... that goes all the way down through the floor! :wtf: And the hole is somehow attached to the floor. :wtf: And also it smells like a miniature latrine, but I digress.
So I moved the washer to where it is now sitting mostly on the shallow metal pan (there are a few inches along one side that are not), and moved the dryer next to it, where it fits into the available room space better. I just ran a small load of laundry through the washer, with no catastrophic effect. So...
Should /can I keep the washer where it is? Or do I need to move it back to where it is totally on top of the shallow pan?
Also, where the hell does that hole in the ground go? :scared: