A good friend of mine is going in to have his gallbladder removed next week in a laproscopic prodecure. The 'laproscopic' part means he won't have a ginormous incision, but he's still going to be needing assistance.
He lives in another state, and me going to his place to look after him isn't feasible. He'll be staying with his dad (who had the same surgery about a month ago), so this will be a good chance for father-son, man-man bonding. He's in good hands...I'm not worried.
I'm trying to come up with a practical CARE package...something that a person who has just had their gallbladder out and is probably not feeling all yippy-skippy can actually use and will make their life a bit easier.
So far, I've got two pairs of sweat pants, a pair of comfy, sturdy slippers, and a few bottles of vitamins A, E, and the trace mineral zinc (all helpful in promoting healing).
Anybody have any suggestions as to what else might be useful?
Thanks :hi:...from both me and my friend! :pals: