I would like to go into business for myself. Some of you may question the wisdom of doing something like that right now, but I think I'll be able to find plenty of work. The problem is that I have a mental health problem and the treatment is somewhat expensive. Between the cost of the meds, the doctor's visits, and the associated blood work, it costs about $400 a month to treat me. I pay about $65 a month right now through the group plan that I have with my current employer. I cannot get the treatment for the illness paid for if I try to buy insurance on my own. They will not cover pre-existing conditions.
There is also a slim chance that I could be hospitalized for this illness in the future. My doctor says it's only about a 10% chance, but if it happens I will be on a psych ward in a hospital for at least a week. That costs about $10,000 now days.
I'd really like to go into business for myself, but this is holding me up. I can probably make enough money to cover the costs and still come out ahead, but I'm not sure about that yet. And, of course, there is that slim possibility of relapse.
What do you think, guys? Do you see a way around this?