Here is a bit of screenshot...
And here is a bit of review....
Then there's the plain weirdity of it. Admittedly, women are damn scary things, and they're prone to occasionally bleeding all over the place and flipping out and killing everything nearby. I've never seen this kind of gynophobia taken so literally before, though. The protagonists of this game, when their flashing red killcrazy meter fills up, begin bleeding from every part of their bodies, which somehow enables them to turn into rampaging engines of destruction. The bare-bones manual offers no explanation for this. The first time it happens you'll be reaching for your copy of "Are You There, God? It's Me, Bikini Zombie Killchick." The second through five-hundredth time, you'll just be thinking that the people responsible must have serious goddamn girlfriend issues. And you probably will, too, if you ever let her see you playing this thing. Looks like I have a gaming weekend to set-up once my better have flys down to visit the rents.