Is it possible to hide entire forums?
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Wed Feb-25-09 01:51 AM
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Is it possible to hide entire forums? |
The GDs are extra toxic tonight. x(
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Wed Feb-25-09 01:55 AM
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Click options Click Edit your preferences Make sure "Hide General Discussion: Primaries from the Latest page?" is checked Yes. Scroll down and click the Update button. At least that way, it won't come up on the Latest page.
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Wed Feb-25-09 01:58 AM
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2., I rarely if ever use the Latest Page. |
I can still see in the Lobby and click on it against my better judgement.
Whatever, it should be less cesspoolish interesting tomorrow. :)
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Wed Feb-25-09 02:25 AM
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3. Don't I wish I could hide entire forums. There's one I would hide in a heartbeat |
and it's not one of the biggies, but I don't want to shoot off my mouth about it.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:41 PM
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