Here are the comments, with just editing of my name, etc. :
posted by thegreatone from an undisclosed location at 11:11PM on Tuesday, 2/24/09 Ms. Critters, You should have named the church you pastor. I'm sure it's booming with attendance. Surely your church has earned God's blessing by showing such outright contempt for His commands. The false prophets are here, ladies and gentlemen. The false prophets are here. You're on shaky ground, Ms. Critters. In fact, since you invoke Christianity, a Bible-based religion, in your letter, you're asking for a debate on what God's Word says about homosex. Nowhere in the Bible is homosex endorsed. Furthermore, Jesus would not say, "Aww, they love each other" and endorse homosex. He would condemn the act of homosex over and over again. The Good News is Jesus died for those who practice homosex. He died for me. And he died for you. The blood of the Lamb even covers false prophets.
Posted by Jameson at 3:58AM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 THANK YOU Rev. Critters! Your letter just made my day. :) the(so-called)greatone, if Jesus had such a hissy fit over gay people, then how come the majority of his sermons dealt with poverty and respecting others? Take your own planks out of your eye first before you go pointing fingers, as the saying goes.
Posted by thegreatone from an undisclosed location at 5:58AM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 "Majority?" What kind of an argument is that? Jesus is God in the flesh. I assume Ms. Critters agrees on that (although since she has a habit of twisting scripture, I'm not completely sure she does). Either way, God destroyed Soddom and Gammorah over homosex. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. So there's no argument here. The Bible is extremely clear that homosex is a sinful, disgusting act. The Bible refers to it as an abomination. If we're going by the Bible — the basis of Christianity — then homosex is immoral. Period. Nobody is preaching hate here. Jesus' love stretches as far as the east is from the west, which includes those who commit acts of homosex. This is a moral issue, not a love/hate issue. This letter is so absurd that I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth my time to blog about it.
Posted by thegreatone from an undisclosed location at 6:01AM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 Oh, and don't you love it when people lord their titles over you? Every clergyman I've ever talked to would rather not be referred to as "The Reverend so-and-so." Yet notice how Ms. Critters attempts to boost her credibility with her signature. False prophets do that kind of stuff.
Posted by Sam at 9:18AM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 Geez - if it isn't one way to the extreme it's the other. Jesus talked about hell more than poverty. I suggest you read the Bible before you quote it.
Posted by SS at 12:32PM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 I am so tired of hearing about this crap I wanna vomit!!!!!
Posted by beyondcitylimits at 3:35PM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 I'm sick of hearing about gay rights,I wish they would go back in their closets and quit craming it down our throats. Being homosexual is not normal. My child will be raised to know this. You can't watch tv with out seeing some homosexual act. No wonder this world is messed up.
Posted by tasha12 at 4:10PM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 Beyond i'm glad i'm not your kid. Don't BLAME gays because the world is messed up. That's a good one. Well if I were you, and i'm glad i'm not you best keep your child inside the house.
Posted by Egbert Souse at 4:16PM on Wednesday, 2/25/09 No wonder the United Church of Christ is crowded with new members.