Edited on Thu Feb-26-09 01:54 AM by FedUpWithIt All
I am not even sure if it can be called a relationship. In fact I was just out of it when i started coming 'round these parts.
I was used. I see it very clearly now. He would keep me in a box, only worth something to him when he needed me to satisfy something in him (ie. ego, sex, comfort...).
It was very intense and VERY chemical. Years flew by. I learned that extremely positive passion has the potential reverse of extremely negative passion.
We played a brutal push/pull. One of us would always be fighting for the power in the relationship. Whoever was currently causing the pain was "the winner". Winning meant that the "loser" was hurting and therefore under the control of the winner. We would push the buttons that we knew would get a response and the attention (however unhealthy) we craved. Over time we numbed and needed to find ever more harmful material to elicit the desired response.
My children hated him in a visceral way. They still cringe at the mere mention of him. They saw what i could not. I used to think i saw something they did not. It was only after a took a REAL step away from him that i realized that their perception of him was in fact the more accurate. I saw what i WANTED him to be. They saw what he was.
It ended, for me, quite suddenly. One day he just said the wrong thing. It hurt too deeply. Something broke and i was finally able to take a step back, nearly in shock. I don't know what made that particular hurt "different". I no longer loved/hated him. I just wanted to get away from him.
It was difficult for a time and we wandered back into each other's worlds once or twice but memory of the words he had said haunted every single minute. He did not look, smell or feel the same.
I was alone for a while. It was good for me. I was foolish at times as i tried to navigate back into the world. I grew and learned about myself and what is important to me. I grew a distaste for conflict and drama.
Now, i cannot even remember more than a couple of good moments from that time in my life.
When i say i am sorry you are going through this it comes from this place. I know the details are probably not the same but the hurt, confusion, anger, grief, frustration, loneliness...are somewhat universal. I wish you freedom from them.