Edited on Mon Mar-08-04 10:42 PM by HypnoToad
110/70, the last I recall. Under stress it can get up to 140/98... So I'm probably somewhere in the middle...
Fairly low fat diet, lots of veggies and low fat meats (chicken, turkey, tuna... nothing fried, just grilled or baked). :yum:
Diabetes runs in both sides of my family. Dad has it. Mom's brothers and my nephews on her side have it. I'm amazed I don't have it.
Yes to heart disease. Grandfather on dad's side died at age 56. Dad had one at age 44 but barely survived (nearly died due to unsanitary conditions when applying an IV to deliver some medicine... :scared: ) If mom's right, and heart disease attacks subsequent generations by decade, I reckon I'll get my turn at age 32: Three months from now. :party:
No Cancer, though mom said a couple weeks back that she had to get a mammogram because the doctor she'd seen thought she felt a lump in there... :scared: Won't know the results for a short while, I hope it's not malignant...
Exercise: My job involves a lot of walking around to peoples' computers, though with the web project of recent I have been sitting at my computer 3/4ths of the day.
No drinking.
No ciggies.
No drugs of any sort, apart from advil for muscle pain...
I think exercise might be of help... and proper eating habits...