stupid cats have a mouse cornered & haven't a clue what to do
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Sat May-02-09 08:36 AM
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stupid cats have a mouse cornered & haven't a clue what to do |
they keep looking at me for help. So I set a peanutbutter trap or two or three. How's your morning going? :hi:
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Sat May-02-09 08:38 AM
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1. my cat is a very efficient mouser |
we've only had mice once, when a nest matured (apparently). Over a week, he killed one basically every day. Then no more since then, and that was a year ago :shrug:
now he just hunts flies
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Sat May-02-09 08:44 AM
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Daughter #2 is more efficient with the traps. Oh, goodie. Ritz just threw up in the dining room. Do I have to check for mousie parts?
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Sat May-02-09 08:48 AM
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i just assumed that the sudden appearance meant that a next had matured
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Sat May-02-09 08:44 AM
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Daughter #2 is more efficient with the traps. Oh, goodie. Ritz just threw up in the dining room. Do I have to check for mousie parts?
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Sat May-02-09 08:45 AM
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6. The late, great Ari used to catch mice while I was at work, |
and leave the remains--usually the head, spine and tail--on the door mat for me to find when I got home. Sometimes I found them by stepping on them. :(
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Sat May-02-09 08:38 AM
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2. Hey, at least they didn't catch it, bring it to you |
and put it on your bare foot while you were asleep in the bed. That's what Yogi did. Domino chased it down and swatted it until it was weak then, Yogi grabbed it, and brought its squealing mauled half dead body to me. It was still alive enough to scratch my foot when I woke up.
Talk about a wake up call. :wow:
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Sat May-02-09 08:41 AM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:38 PM
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