Edited on Sat May-02-09 08:58 PM by Mike 03
Today I really spent quality time with my 12 year old niece for the first time in two years, mostly due to her mother's health issues and my father's health issues, so it was not intentional neglect or anything like that. But it was so painful, because she has changed so much. She's grown up. She's no longer a little girl who loves Pokemon but an adolescent who is into video games and definitely has made that transition from child to adolescent.
One example is that I commented on how good her braces looked compared to when I had braces and they were huge, and she said she had had her braces on for almost a year or more, and I just felt terrible.
It was so painful in a way to feel that I had missed this transition, mostly because I had been paying attention to my parents and their issues as they grow older.
It is my obsession to do better. I know I can. And I appreciate so much advice I've received here about related issues: It is not about me, it is about giving, giving, giving and being aware.
I am trying, believe me. I don't want to miss these joys.