"To Mom, I hope you and dad aren't still having sex"
"Why do I look so much like the UPS guy?"
"You're starting to look like Yasir Arafat"
"I shoplifted this card just for you, mom - - Winona.
"I know we're not related, but may I call you Mommy?"
"Mom, sorry I called you 'Ho' on 'Jerry Springer'
"Have a Talibantastic Mother's Day from your son, Mullah Omar."
"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're starting to look Like Arnold Palmer." :rofl:
"Mom, I need room for my nautilus equipment, so I'm putting you in a home."
"Dear Mom, I just want to say thanks for helping me bury that hitchhiker."
"To Dave's Mom, with love from Dave's assistant."
"Sorry that psycho kid blew up your mailbox, mom"