just ANOTHER twist on the oldest internet scam
unfucking believable
From: Capt.Kerry Holmes Camp MXP-512 Third Infantry Division Unit(T.I.D.U), Abul Uruj, Baghdad, Iraq.
I am Captain Kerry Holmes, a Briton and a soldier of the UN troop serving in the third infantry division Unit in Iraq and currently on duty.
My partner, Darren D. Braswell, aged 36, died Jan. 7th near TalAfar ,Iraq , when the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter in which he was a passenger crashed. Braswell worked for the Army and Air Force Exchange Service.
Before his death, we secretly moved some abandoned cash from a mansion belonging to the former president, Saddam Hussein and the total cash is US$45,000,000.00 (Forty Five Million United States Dollars),and in clean and crisp dollar bills. As I write this letter to you, the box has been successfully moved to a well secured security company in London out of Iraq for safe keeping and our attorney will formalize arrangement of inviting you over to London in order to transfer the ownership of the funds to you,once i receive your positive response.
Please keep this business totally secret. Apart from you and my attorney, nobody should know about it. He will give you an invitation letter to enable you arrive London next week. Please reply immediately so that I can give you his contact details and more light on the benefit packages for both of us. Yours in service,
Capt.Kerry Holmes