Praise: 1. Kicked ass. 2. Had as much character development as at least 9 of the other 10 movies or most of the original series. 3. Complaints about canon are pointless; the film explicitly addresses this in a satisfactory way IMO. 4. Loved the clunkier style of technology with the huge engine room. 5. The casting was excellent, though I wasn't entirely thrilled with Chekov. 6. Loved the music for the closing credits.
Complaints: 1. That stupid rock-gnome ugnaut guy. WTF?!? 2. Too much of that harsh over-lighting that's so popular in film today; this will date the film more than anything else. 3. I'm not comfortable with interplanetary (interstellar?) beaming. Too easy a plot device. 4. How can a supernova destroy a galaxy? And wouldn't it take hundreds of thousands of years, even if it could? 5. If you can make a black hole, why bother drilling into the planet? Throw it into the Sun and be done with it. For that matter, if a single drop of Red Matter makes a black hole, how many thousands of drops were in that big bubble on Spock's ship? Wouldn't they yield a much more powerful black hole? 6. Nero is from the post ST:TNG era, so why should Christopher Pike be of any interest to him? Why not capture and torture any ol' Captain for the needed information?
On substantive balance, the praise-worthy aspects outweigh my complaints, and I enjoyed the film from start to finish.
One general comment about canonicity: IIRC Romulans were mostly unfamiliar to the Federation as of the time of the TOS. I can't reconcile that with Uhura's familiarity with "all three dialects."