I also need a pedicure, a haircut, a back shave, a teeth whitening, some strength training, some new clothes, some money, some really good deodorant, an eyebrow wax, an ass wax, some sweat absorbing socks, a medication that works well for excess gas, some breath mints, a naval cleansing, some deep pore cleansing, some weight loss, better posture, dry skin treatment, some ear wax removal, a sinus flush, an enema, a medicated suppository, outpatient surgery for 17 skin tags, a few drinks, several large containers of medicated powder, various ointments, a new drool cup, a device that will stop me from snorting when I laugh, lip balm, some Grecian Formula, some specially made razors that conform to my body's "special areas", hair gel, some kind of device that keeps my nostrils from flaring when I get excited, some allergy medication, some over the counter pain relief, a new boat, some really comfortable underwear, and a fucking huge flat screen TV.
Thanks a lot.