That is three hours of my life I'll never get back. We went for the freebies: a $125 gift card and a free two-night stay at their place in Williamsburg. We knew there would be a high-pressure pitch after the "tour" of W'burg and after seeing their model. Mrs. V. rebuffed that pitch very well. Then we had to go to the place where they'd give us our freebies. I knew there would be another pitch there, but god, I guess I've forgotten what assholes people can be. As we walked out Mrs. V. said "I was about to ask that guy 'what part of no do you not understand?'"
The young woman who was, unfortunately for her, assigned to sell us on the place was astonishingly unsophisticated and a pretty lousy salesperson. For example, once she heard that we are thoroughly uninterested in golf, she should have dropped the golf portions of her spiel. She did not. It was very stupid of her. We wouldn't have bought in if she had dropped the golf patter, but she should learn how to modify her presentation for future pitches. I could say a lot more about how lousy she was, but it would be boring.
Oh - and I had all I could do not to correct her pronunciation of the word legacy. She pronounced it "ledge-acy." But she did do one thing right: I insisted that she stop the car so I could pick up a box turtle and move it off the road. That she did, even though there were cars behind us. :thumbsup:
The day wasn't an entire loss, though. We had a very pleasant drive there, and an even nicer drive back.
Remind me next time to ponder this: are the freebies worth it?