Fuck it, I'm in the middle of something, sorry. No, not really sorry.
More like, "Bye, douchebags!" and then take in a deep, life-fulfilling breath of newly fresh air and look to my neighbor and say, "The world feels lighter all of a sudden, like our collective IQ just went up 100 points and the future is wide open with evolutionary possibility!" and then I'll crinkle my nose and sniff a bit and say, "But there's still marketers about" and I'll pause for a moment and say, "But, come on, smell that air! What's a few marketers compared to the giant shit the planet just took getting rid of its waste!"
And then I'll have a Martini, but in a week I'll be all pissed off because now there's no one left to do the shit jobs, like make gin, clean my house, handle tech support, and fix my car.
And I'll say to my neighbor, "Dammit! It felt so good at the time, but I really made the wrong choice."
And then I'll add, "But, damn, smell that air! No, I stand by my choice!"