So it seems to be the year of the urban/suburban chicken. I normally don't like to raise chicks because *something* always happens to them right about the time they reach maturity and are ready to start laying. This year my ad for grown hens on the feed store wall went unanswered so I resigned myself to getting some chicks and starting from scratch (pun). Well since everybody wants them, they would be gone every time a new batch came in to the feed store, so I broke down and ordered some off the interwebs. I had to wait a month for delivery. sheesh.
So that is why I have baby chicks starting in the middle of May. They arrived yesterday. 15 Barred Rock pullets (females) and my first try with 25 straight run (mixed sexes) assorted breed Banties (kind of dwarf versions of regular chickens). I have no idea what the breeds are but I think they were guaranteed to be at least 5 kinds. Some are Silkies for sure - they have feathers on their legs and feet.
Here they are in the cardboard boxes I set up in the living room for the first few days. They stink (mostly because they are on paper for the first few days - will be switching to grass hay) and will be going to the chicken coop VERY soon.