My Mother, LK and I were out shopping. We came back to her house and heard a small dog locked in her garage. My Stepdad's girlfriend (and no, I don't mean that in a platonic sense- another issue) had been there and took off to go to San Francisco with her puppy locked in my Mother and Stepfather's garage. My Mother does not have a key to the garage- it's Stepdad's man-cave or something. It's 100 degrees out and the puppy sounds like he's in distress though he may just be afraid being by himself. Hard to say.
So Mom grabs the phone and starts calling every possible person who might be able to reach Stepdad (he's in Oregon at the moment) to get him to call his girlfriend and get her to come get the puppy out of the garage (how she has a key to the garage and my Mother's house and my Mother does not, I don't know- suffice it to say Stepfather is a world class asshole) before he dies or something. I jump in the car and run over to Home Depot and come back with a set of bolt cutters and a crowbar, because I'm not waiting around for some idiot to drive back from where-the-fuck-ever while this poor puppy cooks.
Bolt cutters are a no-go, there's a big metal loop over the padlock to prevent getting at it, presumably for precisely to prevent precisely this sort of thing. But the wood of the detached garage is rotten as hell, so next thing I know I am standing in the heat with a crowbar just peeling the whole lock assembly back like the skin of an orange when some guy who is a friend of my Stepdad's pulls up on his stupid little crotch rocket, runs back behind the garage and finds where Stepdad hides the key. :eyes: He opens the garage and takes the puppy with him (yes, on the bike :eyes: ) presumably on orders from my Stepdad who knows me and knows damned good and well I'd have rehomed the puppy had I got the garage open first.
If that stupid fucking bimbo comes over to my Mother's house again I'm going to drag her ass out to the garage and lock her in for a few hours. See how she likes it. :grr: And my Stepdad's in some real deep shit too. He might want to stay in Oregon for a while while I cool off.