Vibes for my significant other, please?
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Tue May-26-09 09:53 AM
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Vibes for my significant other, please? |
He's having and upper and lower GI today... The scheduling made for a lousy Memorial day, as he couldn't eat anything so we had to pass on all of the invites to barbeques and such...
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Tue May-26-09 09:58 AM
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Positive thoughts and prayers going your way.
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Tue May-26-09 10:34 AM
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many good thoughts out to your S.O.! I'm a nurse but going to the hospital as a patient is still stressful! much luck to you both.
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Tue May-26-09 10:37 AM
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3. good vibes to equal a good outcome! |
hoping all goes well for your S.O. and you too.
guitar man
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Tue May-26-09 11:21 AM
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4. vibes, thoughts and prayers |
comin' your way, hope it all turns out ok :hug:
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Tue May-26-09 11:25 AM
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5. positive thoughts going your way ----> |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:41 PM
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