Edited on Tue May-26-09 08:17 PM by PJPhreak
but a number of years ago A HHS Caseworker and a bunch of local police showed up at my Sister-in laws house...To investigate claims of sexual child abuse involving my then brother in law and his daughter. The information about this came from an anonymous "Tip". The only people who had privy to anything going on in their family.Real or Imagined. would be my MIL and her husband.
The number of "anonymous" tips to just the right agency (Social/Legal) or persons (Caseworkers/LEO's),on just the right kind of subjects (Child abuse/Domestic Violence/Drugs) that our family has been subject to is nuts! And NONE of it is TRUE!
My SIL and BIL are Very Law abiding,republican blue collar folk...not Freeper just republican,They are honest,hard working,typical middle American folk,yet they get investigated multiple times on nothing more than "Tips"?
Edit to add...
I could spend hours telling stories of things surrounding this MIL of mine that just don't add up....Their living arrangement for example...How does a SS Recipient not have any of her monthly SS deducted due to her "Live in the same House but "Divorced From" Husbands Supervisory Level Income from his HHS Salary???
If I tried that stunt they would take away my GF's SSI in a Flash!!
They know the System Very Well....What to keep,what to shred,What to delete.who to lie to and what lies to tell...It has been impossible to get anyone to listen to us,ya know the Rap....Who are they (The System for lack of a better term) gonna listen to...The Hippie/Druggies or the Upstanding Members of the Community.
Christ,Why does this sound so much like an episode of "As the Stomach Turns" This kinda crap only exists on TV,not real life,Sheese