is having to go through it TWICE!!!
It's official. After two years of being "menopausal", I'm now PRE-menopausal again. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
So here I come - hotflashes and moodswings and depression and rages and insomnia - AGAIN, I suppose. Though at least this time I'll have some idea of what's going on.
The macroadenoma (benign tumor) I had on my pituitary made my hormones all screwy -- then having it removed, they went even more haywire trying to get back to "normal". whatever the f that is at this point. :shrug: At one point my bloodwork showed I was menopausal AND pregnant at the same time - though thank god I wasn't pregnant . . .
although NOW - OMFG - it's suddenly something I'm going to have to think about again. AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!! That would be the only thing that couldl make it even WORSE!!!
My daughter said to tell her younger brothers she's "really sorry they have to go through that..." haha. NOT.
I mean, really, whotf did I piss off anyways??