The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Cam is online!
This webcam is located on the east side of the St. Mary Visitor Center and points
directly at an Osprey nest on the other side of the parking lot. Several years ago
the power company constructed the platform, in an effort to keep the birds from
building nests on the power transformers on the adjacent power poles. The birds
seem to have taken to the new location and have had successful nests for
several seasons. Currently there are three birds in the area using the nest.
It's possible that one of the chicks from last season came back. Most likely as
soon as new chicks hatch this year, it will be driven off.
Due to the high winds at St. Mary the image may be blurred from time to time
as the camera vibrates in the housing. Wait for another image to download and
it should be clearer.