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How can Susan Boyle sing with that potty mouth?

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WillParkinson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-29-09 08:24 AM
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How can Susan Boyle sing with that potty mouth?
How can Susan Boyle sing with that potty mouth?

By Jeff Thomas

From Mercury News wire reports

Is the crushing weight of being the idol of matronly karaoke singers worldwide becoming too much for Scottish songbird Susan Boyle? Possibly so, if crying jags and expletive-laden tirades are any indication.

Boyle was so distraught after a recent run-in with hecklers that she was contemplating quitting the show, according to one of the show's judges, Piers Morgan.

"From what I hear, she's been in tears the last two days. She even threatened to leave the show yesterday at one stage because of the sheer amount of pressure on her," Morgan said Thursday.

"You have to remember with Susan, she's a 48-year-old lady from a tiny village in Scotland who has never been exposed to anything like this kind of attention. And I think she's really feeling the heat."

According to the Sun, Boyle launched into a profanity-laden tirade at a pair of antagonistic "fans" in the lobby of London's Wembley Plaza Hotel. A "Britain's Got Talent" rep told the Web site that a few strangers were antagonizing her. She shouted back at them:

"How dare you "... you can't talk to me like that "... is there a problem? "... of course there's a problem," she said, according to the Web site. Police, already on the scene, interviewed Boyle briefly, but made no arrests in connection with the conflict.

Morgan touched on the fiasco, saying: "The hotel she's in is crawling in tourists, crawling in the media. I think maybe
she overreacted. I don't know what happened."

"Susan is the hottest story in town," Morgan said. "Every single thing that Susan has done in the last three or four weeks has been headline news. She's a true global phenomenon — and she's beginning to realize that her life will never be the same."

(Please note: This is the article, I actually think highly of Ms. Boyle and love her singing.)

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nuxvomica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-29-09 08:33 AM
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1. I would consider it a privilege if Susan swore at me
She can probably swear in several octaves. :D
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Dappleganger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-29-09 09:10 AM
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2. She's Scottish...
if she's swearing than she's breathing. :D
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Captain Hilts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-29-09 09:15 AM
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3. The same way all other Scots do. That's perfectly normal.
I can't resist a thread with 'pottymouth' in the title.

As a steady church-goer, Susan probably understands and appreciates the difference between vulgarity "fook," and profanity. Saying "fook" will raise eyebrows, but won't send you to Hell.
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Captain Hilts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-29-09 09:18 AM
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4. Seriously, she needs some peeps or a posse. I once read an article by a guy
who was Eleanor Roosevelt's agent in her later years. He said traveling with her was fascinating for many reasons, but, most importantly, you could not leave her alone, or she'd be mobbed. Folks would follow her into the bathroom, etc. If she made eye contact with folks, that was an hour of signing autographs. And that was after about 30 years as the most-recognized woman in the US. Imagine what it is like for the New Flavor of the Month that Susan Boyle is.

She needs to get one of her sibs or some peeps to protect her.
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