Edited on Fri May-29-09 01:14 PM by Strong Atheist
I have a friend who knows way more about computers/software/hardware than I do. He set up my internet with a firewall. I only use the internet in a limited account so nothing can screw with my registers (I have not done the virtual computer thing; I am not that motivated...).
Opera is part of all that. My friend has (and other sources have) told me about the evils of microsoft; how it is loaded with security holes, and how the company deliberately uses spy ware and everything you do on IE is reported back to microsoft.
Well, Opera lets me easily turn off:
~all cookies
~javascript (evil!)
~all popups
Not only that, but it easily allows me to ENABLE part or all of those for trusted sites, like this one. I can also easily block sites from popping up as redirection. It is very user friendly.
I used to use another friend's computer. It was on IE. The computer basically got completely destroyed twice in 3 years due to internet use. One site screwed with the registers and made the home page something YOU COULD NOT GET RID OF (due to hits-for-cash, my knowledgeable friend said). It would run some type of program on start-up that made that site the home page, even if you had deleted it before. I could not get rid of it (it DEFINITELY had something to do with the registers, and I don't know enough to screw around with those :scared:), but I knew enough old-style DOS to disable the web site from appearing. I took the file it was making on start-up, deleted it (would reaper next start up BUT: ) and made a file with the same name/extension. Then I made it system/read only/hidden! Website disabled because it could not create the file it needed! (but could NOT get home website back...)
Anyhoo, in MANY years of running Opera, I have had NO computer problems...