Edited on Sat May-30-09 11:59 AM by Strong Atheist
In Honor of newyawker99
Thank you to everyone who helps! :yourock:
Note: If you don't see yourself here, and think I missed you for a milestone, or the elders, or prayers/thoughts/vibes, or Good News, let me know here or in a PM.
Please join me in congratulating the following DUer's who achieved milestones recently! :D
New Members :bounce:
BolivarianHero sixstrings75 votingupstart
100 :bounce:
Euromutt lbrtbell newinnm tj2001 Xolodno
300 :bounce:
500 :bounce:
armyowalgreens Cresent City Kid kiranon konnichi wa Kurska newmac
1000 :bounce:
Believing Is Art cabbage08 vadawg
2000 :bounce:
ejpoeta FightingIrish
4000 :bounce:
demwing DesertFlower rcrush
5000 :bounce:
El Supremo
6000 :bounce:
7000 :bounce:
Echo In Light
8000 :bounce:
Clio the Leo Fire_Medic_Dave
10000 :bounce:
frylock XanaDUer
11000 :bounce:
dkf SemiCharmedQuark
12000 :bounce:
earth mom
13000 :bounce:
BlueJazz fizzgig
14000 :bounce:
rateyes Triana
17000 :bounce:
omega minimo
18000 :bounce:
21000 :bounce:
28000 :bounce:
38000 :bounce:
52000 :bounce:
79000 :bounce:
146000 :bounce:
Good News: :woohoo:
bicentennial_baby graduated! :toast: hyphenate got a new job! :toast: mike_c daughter getting married! :toast: slackmaster got a new job! :toast:
Quiet Types (~ = ( > 50 posts total; less than 1 post/day)): :bounce:
A-Long-Little-Doggie abbeyco adamuu aljones Angel Angiewnsb Angleae aquamarina asteroid2003QQ47 BarbaRosa bikebloke bling bling blockhead boilerbabe bookworm65t Boondog Britethorn Brother Buzz cabbage08 CarbonDate CBR chaplainM Chomp comrade snarky CraftyGal CrawlingChaos Creideiki DarthDem davidthegnome dwc77 DebbieCDC demobabe denbot DerekG DianeK DKRC Doc_Technical Dont_Bogart_the_Pretzel eagertolearn elfrangel elifino elizfeelinggreat emsimon33 enlightenment Esra Star ezgoingrl fjc fNord Fozzledick frebrd friedgreentomatoes GaYellowDawg GCP gbate Godhumor Goldensilence hardtravelin Hatchling HelenWheels Heidegger hellbound-liberal HERVEPA hibbing hlthe2b Howardx Howler iam Incitatus insanity J-Lo Biafra jellen Jivenwail JoDog John1956PA Justpat Kalun D keroro gunsou LAGC lilyreally limit18 lins the liberal litlady lizerdbits LNM Loisenman Lolivia Lordquinton loyalkydem MichellesBFF Miss Marmelstein momto3 Moondog murdoch Nevilledog newcriminal Nicole Lambeth NoGOPZone Noodleboy13 nutsnberries Nye Bevan Obamanaut Onceuponalife One_of_8 Onehandle orbitalman ornotna oxbow pam4water patrick t. cakes peacefreak Pharlo placton pnutbutr polly7 PRETZEL proggy Progressive_In_NC Pyrzqxgl Quadrajet quickesst qwlauren35 Redbear redstateblues Release The Hounds ReverendDeuce ricochetastroman riverdale Robeysays RushIsRot SCantiGOP scholarsOrAcademics scytherius Seaker Serial Mom shimmergal silverweb Sin Sinistrous Sirveri Sodbuster soleiri SPanara SpankMe specialed SPedigrees Spock_is_Skeptical Steerpike StrongBad Tabasco_Dave tainted_chimp Tanuki The_Commonist the other one Thirtieschild Threedifferentones tiddlywinks tigerwoods Tom Kitten Torn_Scorned_Ignored Towlie turtlelowe Uben uriel1972 vademocrat vard28 willing dwarf Xela Zoigal zonker
Honored Elders (members from 2002 or before!): :yourock:
0007 11 Bravo 5thGenDemocrat alfredo aljones alphafemale americanstranger Angel aquamarina Arugula Latte Aristus ashling asjr Bake baldguy BarbaRosa Barrett808 Beausoir Beetwasher BeFree bif bikebloke bloom BlueJazz Bolo Boffin Bombero1956 bookworm65t BridgeTheGap Brother Buzz Bucky buddhamama Bunny ButterflyBlood billyskank CarbonDate CatWoman catzies CBGLuthier cboy4 charlie chemenger chookie Chovexani CJCRANE commander bunnypants Coventina Craig3410 Creideiki Crewleader Cronus Protagonist Cush DainBramaged darkstar Darth_Kitten DarthDem davsand DebbieCDC dionysus DemBones DemBones demobabe denbot derby378 DerekG dionysus Dont_Bogart_the_Pretzel Dover DrDan DS1 dwc77 dweller EarlG Ediacara Elad ellie EOTE ezgoingrl FarLeftRage Faygo Kid fishwax fjc Flaxbee Forkboy Fovea frebrd Freddie Stubbs frylock gauguin57 geniph geomon666 Gman GoddessOfGuinness GOPisEvil grasswire gratuitous graywarrior greatauntoftriplets GreenPartyVoter Greyskye groovedaddy HarukaTheTrophyWife hatrack Heddi Hekate hellbound-liberal HERVEPA hlthe2b Howardx htuttle hunter iam IndianaGreen Iris Jack Rabbit Jade Fox JanMichael JCMach1 JI7 JitterbugPerfume Jivenwail jmm jmowreader JNelson6563 Joanne98 jobycom jody Johnyawl Jokerman joshcryer jpak Kalun D KamaAina KCDem KG laconicsax LAGC lanlady Lex lins the liberal lizerdbits LynneSin madrchsod matcom maveric maxsolomon meegbear mike_c MikeE MilesColtrane Missy Vixen mitchtv MountainLaurel MrScorpio mvd mwdem Mz Pip Nederland newyawker99 NJCher nolabels npk OffWithTheirHeads On the Road otohara Pale Blue Dot panzerfaust Pastiche423 patrice peekaloo Perky placton plcdude polmaven PRETZEL Prisoner_Number_Six proud patriot ps1074 pscot psychopomp PVnRT QC qnr Qutzupalotl Rabrrrrrr rasputin1952 Raven Redbear RedCloud regnaD kciN reprobate ret5hd RetroLounge rfranklin Richardo RFKHumphreyObama Robb roguevalley ronnykmarshall Roon Runcible Spoon RushIsRot Sal316 SammyWinstonJack SCantiGOP scarletwoman ScreamingMeemie sendero Sequoia Serial Mom Sinistrous Skinner Skittles SmileyBoy SoCalDem Solly Mack Solon SOteric Stephanie Submariner supernova susanna symbolman T_i_B T Wolf Tabasco_Dave TahitiNut tainted_chimp targetpractice Teaser The Magistrate Tikki TlalocW Tabasco_Dave tomreedtoon Trajan Triana tridim trof trotsky truebrit71 Uben ulysses underpants UrbScotty UTUSN Uzybone Vanje vixengrl w13rd0 warrior1 Wapsie B Wednesdays WillBowden WilliamPitt WillyT WoodrowFan Yavin4 yewberry Zomby Woof
Congratulations everyone! :toast: :thumbsup:
Remember, if you see a newbie today, please give him/her a big DU welcome. It really does mean a lot! :D