Tough economy, tough times for a "sole proprietor"...a lot of potential clients are afraid, and like a dog, I smell fear and it makes me growl.
Friend #1: Sent me a $350 check the other day that paid my car insurance and a portion of my rent. He's an ex boss, and we've remained good friends since we were both laid off in the 8500+ bloodbath at Cisco Systems in 2001. After leaving Cisco, he became a CPA, and he is also doing my taxes FOR FREE.
Friend #2: A mechanic who knows I don't have the $80 for a long-overdue oil change / periodic maintenance visit, so he's going to do it for FREE next Friday and will allow me to pay him when I get the cash.
Friend #3: Another ex-boss who called me up today and wants me to build a Web Site for him. He's also the first (and only) person outside of my immediate family who encouraged me to do what I am doing now, 10 years ago, when I didn't have a LICK of experience.
Friend #4: My attorney. My mentor, the guy who kicks my ass and keeps me motivated, the guy who could very easily say "this guy's on his own...I have more important things to deal with"...AND DOESN'T. I speak with him at least four times a week and haven't paid him a penny in two years (although I do take him to lunch when I can, and have him and his wife over for dinner whenever their schedules permit).
I know that there are many people out there who are going through much tougher times than I am...but I am absolutely getting my ass kicked. My friends keep me in the game. When everything seems hopeless, I get a call from a friend who gives me hope.
Whatever you have going on right now, think of that James Taylor song..."Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel, things are gonna turn out fine if you only will."
It's true.
The only thing of value that ANY of us have are the people in our lives we've touched, and who have touched us in return...our friends. My wish for you is that you have a lot of them, or at minimum a few TRUE ones, and that you thank them frequently.