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Subtle Anti-Bush Slam on Stargate-SG1?

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monchie Donating Member (297 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-12-04 11:06 PM
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Subtle Anti-Bush Slam on Stargate-SG1?
For years there's been a recurring plotline on Sci Fi Channel's "Stargate SG-1" about a Washington politician, played by Ronny Cox, who wants to redirect the Stargate program toward more immediate, but short-sighted, military uses. I believe the character started out as a senator and is now the vice president.

Watching tonight's episode, I laughed out loud when Colonel O'Neill, head of the SG-1 team, referred to the president and vice president, saying, "How'd those two shrubs get into office anyway?"

Then, later on, someone said that the Cox VP character helped the president "take Florida."

Actually, the president himself doesn't seem like a bad guy, but the Cox VP has always been a classic villain on the series.

And funny thing is, in the older episodes produced in the late 90s, the then-president (a different character) always seemed like a vague stand-in for President Clinton.
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Nay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-13-04 10:47 AM
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1. Heard that too!! Laughed out loud! Go, O'Neill.
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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-13-04 11:03 AM
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2. Yes!
Ronnie Cox's character has always had me thinking of him as a Bush like VP. The really runny thing is, William Devane, who now plays the newly elected president, has played John F. Kennedy in several movies. I agree--the Devane character is more like an anti-shrub than a bottle fed idiot from Texas.

BTW, just so it doesn't go unnoticed, Richard Dean Anderson is a liberal.
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Ratty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-13-04 11:20 AM
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3. Stargate is confusing
I an all other SF it's the peaceful, civilian scientists who are the good guys and the evil military that always wants to take control of whatever project or technology. In SG-1 it's totally reversed. You end up rooting for the military and hoping the civilian politicians don't get their hands on it.

It makes my liberal head hurt.
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Astarho Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-13-04 12:38 PM
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4. I caught it
Edited on Sat Mar-13-04 12:38 PM by Astarho
It was right after O'Neill was talking about his Burns as Goa'uld theory (I'm pretty sure it was a Simpson's reference)

Then they talk about the president and then O'Neill said "how could anyone vote for those shrubs?" I think it was the President who says Kinsey single-handedly won Florida.

Last week they showed the President's first day when he finds out about the SG program. He actually supports the program, but he knows Kinsey has some shadowy friends that even he can't stop.
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FireHeart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-13-04 02:43 PM
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5. Yeah, I caught that too.
I suspect Devane has something up his sleeve. He wants to expose Ronny Cox badly, but has to do it in a way Cox will hang himself, rather than being hung.

It was funny, though, about the "two shrubs" comment. :)

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