In response to liongemtastic:
Another loyal Hannity reader! Well, guess what? Hannity made that claim based on "information" from one person--Mansoor Ijaz, a Pakistani-American who claimed to have transmitted the offer as a middleman between the U.S. and Sudan.
Here is what Sandy Berger, former National Security Adviser, and Daniel Benjamin, past director for counter-terrorism on the NSC (and now senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies) had to say about Ijaz:
Berger had to meet only once with Ijaz to determine that he was an unreliable freelancer, pursuing his own financial interests. Ijaz was an investment banker with a huge stake in Sudanese oil.
Ijaz had urged Berger to lift sanctions against Sudan. Why the sanctions? Because Sudan was and remains a notorious sponsor of terrorism. Also, the Sudanese regime is the leading state sponsor of slavery and is considered by many to be genocidal. And totally untrustworthy. Ijaz, however, was arguing their case. As Benjamin said of Ijaz, "Either he allowed himself to be manipulated, or he's in bed with a bunch of genocidal terrorists."
Ijaz said that Sudan was ready to hand over Bin Laden. The U.S. does not conduct diplomacy through self-appointed private individuals. When the U.S. talked to Sudan, there was no such offer. The U.S. pursued every lead and tried to negotiate. Nothing.
But the story does have a happy ending. Ijaz now has a job as foreign affairs analyst for the Fox News Channel.
<<2) Bush AWOL- all information has been collected and released. NO DOCUMENTATION OF AWOL.>>
For now, let's overlook that Bush somehow managed to leapfrog over hundreds of other applicants for the Texas Air Guard who wished, as he did, to avoid serving to Vietnam. Which Kerry did not do.
The Bush Junta has been unable to produce a single witness who remembers having seen Bush at the Alabama military base where he was supposed to have been serving during the months in question. While there may be no official documentation of Bush having been AWOL, I dare you to find another member of the military who could fail to report for duty for a year or more without being court-martialed.
Frankly, I think "AWOL" is too kind a word for Bush. Michael Moore was right. Our unelected president was a DESERTER!!! And I say that as one who spent time in the military. Have you?
<<3) You ask about WMD's. The argument should not be about WMD's but about whether or not we should have gone to war over WMD's. Bush based his decision on the best intelligence he had, which is the same intelligence Clinton had, which is intelligence information that was confirmed by several other countries.>>
Boy, you right-wingers love to blame Clinton for everything, don't you? Reminds me of the early 1980s, when the Reaganites blamed everything on Jimmy Carter.
The simple fact is, before we ever went to war with Iraq, there was no intelligence proving that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. There was, however, plenty of evidence that he had once had WMDs, but that they had all been destroyed by the U.N. weapons inspection team that was in Iraq from 1991-1998.
I suggest you google "Scott Ritter," who led that inspection team for those eight years. Ritter has been an outspoken debunker of Bush's WMD myth since the junta began making noise about bombing Iraq in September 2002. Hardly an example of Monday morning quarterbacking.
You desperately need to get your information from sources beyond Fox News and the books its cynical, agenda-pushing pundits write. Or should I say, that they have ghost-written for them?