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*sigh* Fargin college radio....

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NightTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-04 12:15 AM
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*sigh* Fargin college radio....
Edited on Sun Mar-14-04 12:20 AM by NightTrain
When my radio show goes off at midnight, I'm supposed to run a pre-recorded program called THE SUB-GENIUS HOUR OF SLACK. So, as I was preparing to wrap my show up tonight, I pulled out the CD sleeve with this week's HOUR OF SLACK in it. But guess what came out of the sleeve? Two halves of a CD!

The radio professional in me said, "This wouldn't sound too good on the air." So I threw on about five minutes' worth of recorded announcements and scurried around the air studio, hoping to find an archived HOUR OF SLACK show to run. No luck.

Know what I ended up doing? I went on mike, explained the situation to the listeners, and threw on a live Otis Redding CD, which will broadcast until the next DJ arrives. What the hell, it's far more listenable than that stupid fucking HOUR OF SLACK will ever be!

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Elidor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-04 12:31 AM
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1. I've never heard the Hour of Slack
I take it you don't care for it.

At least you had Otis on standby. I love a good college radio station late at night, or anytime they play all that wierd shit you've never heard in your life.
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Interrobang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-04 12:32 AM
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2. Amusing...
A friend of mine gave me an HOUR OF SLACK CD ages and ages ago, claiming that I'd love it. I listened through it -- once, then put it away and haven't touched the thing since. I consider it to be pretty unlistenable too. I'm not sure if I'd rather listen to Otis Redding or not, though. :)

Sorry to all the Subgenius fans out there, but I just can't get into it. (For one thing, I'd be slumming... ;-) )
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